Thursday, May 29, 2014

To Feel? Or To Wound Without Thought?!?

Halo by Frankie Rose...                              
 Have you ever imagined what it'd be like in a world without emotion... where feeling was muted... drugged. Frankie Rose invites us into just that. A dystopian world of drugged feelings and fights to the death. 
She has us follow her main character in the greatest awakening of her life. A journey of experiencing raw and rigid emotion.... thrilling curves as she is thrown into a society completely opposite of what she has grown up in. A society governed by tradition and Gods.... true love and pain. Opportunity and destruction presents itself as the fine thread between the two worlds unravels. 
This book is contagious and spreads through you. An epic novel of pure enjoyment. Onto the sequel.... I can't wait. 
kiss approved :***** 5/5

Monday, May 12, 2014

To Play Nice? Or Be A "B****"?!

We've all heard men and women say.... she is such a bitch why are you with her? But the man is so enamored by her that there they stay. 

I wasn't sure how I'd feel about this book. I've never really read something quite like this, but it caught my attention. 

Many women allow themselves to become a doormat or a mother moreso than a partner or a lover. 

It's important to do things for yourself. To be happy first and foremost with yourself. To not surround every waking moment indulged in your significant other. And if you have found yourself letting or have let these things happen you should read through.

There are great pieces shared from men and women alike. Sherry Argov gives out some great advice that seems pretty obvious when pointed out but there are also simple mess ups that many women do or have done thinking they're doing right but simply trying too hard.

Would definitely advise single women to read it before jumping straight into the dating scene!
Kiss approved
-D :****