Friday, November 29, 2013

A Date? Or A Disaster?!?!?! Drinking My Way Through 14 Dating Sites by Tiffany Peon

Tiffany Peon should probably write for a magazine. Her piece was hilarious and relatable. Her own story of trying to move on from a devastating breakup... we've all been there if we aren't already. That being said she makes it through and ends up reuniting with her ex but this is her short tale of it.
If you learn anything take it as this: Everything happens for a reason & sometimes it's to learn that no matter what... you're gonna be ok.
The book was a fast read and despite my lack of finding humor in anything at the moment (due in full to my personal life struggles) I couldn't help but at least smile.
The only downfall was at some points I wasn't quite sure where the part in the story fell whether it happened pre-reunite or not.
It's a fun read for those single and dating or just to get a good chuckle at another's expense of online dating.
Kiss approved
-Dani  :**** 4/5

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Sneak Peek? Or A Steal?!?!?! Intuition by J Meyers

-A bonus Intangible short story.
It wasn't anything that captivated my full attention from the get go but as it got close to the end it was a mystery I wanted to know how it'd be solved. So last night I bought the actual book, Intangible, so we will see exactly how this all goes!!!!
*As always read on* xoxo

Sunday, November 3, 2013

The End? Or Just Another Beginning!?!?

Cassandra Clare weaves an intricate tale from beginning to end....or maybe there's more to come? That's what I think anyway! ;) through the fourth
you are gripping the arm of your chair even more so than the first three...waiting..wondering...what will happen to the beloved characters.
When their stories started into separate sections and switched back and forth I wasn't a fan at all. All I cared to know was about Jace and Clary. Their story was first and foremost buuuut by book five
I wanted to know what was happening in each and every one of their complicated life stories. LOVE. TREACHERY. TRUTH. LIES. Painted dot by dot until we see the complete picture come together. I absolutely loved these books. As always she leaves room for discussion and opportunity to guess as to what's to come.
 I am excited to read the prequels but for the moment I'll move into something else for those of you who are ready for something new!!!
Kiss approved :***** 5/5