Sunday, February 16, 2014

Judgement? Or Just A Let Down?!

Branded by Keary Taylor

It took me long enough to read book one. I'm not sure if it was just life that got in the midst of my reading or lack of sincere interest during this novel.
This book plays on religion; will you be granted entrance into heaven or condemned to hell?
The votes of this outcome is cast by a table of angels.  Your good or bad deeds of the lifetime that you have lived are brought before them... what will they decide?
Our main heroine is plagued by these trials. She sees them in her dreams over and over. What will happen? Why was she cursed to live this way?!
I will say I believe it is a great concept. However I don't think this novel reached it's full potential. It fell as we were taken into a typical guy loves girl story. I felt as though the basic story was too predictable...that it wasn't pieced together as well as I know the author could have.
Although I am intrigued to know what would happen in the second story I can't come to the point of reading it to only be let down again. I cannot bring myself to over analyze or play this novel up anymore than I have. Keep on reading crew :*


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