Friday, March 21, 2014

Just A Dream? Or A Religious Slip?!?

Dome Of Dreams by Mark Brakovich

Opening the book I thought it was going to be post apocalyptic sci-fi and although it was a little of both... it wasn't at all what I had expected.
It played deep into the new age idea of everyone is a god... that they only need to pray to and amongst themselves to get what they need.
The world was brought down because man had forgotten that every one could be god. They had relied too much on other gods, rather than themselves.
Seeing as my religious beliefs are completely different it was a little strange. But setting that aside it was pretty sweet. Mysterious and a fast read.
The stories of our two main ladies are elegantly spun together as we wonder how these two are so intricately connected.
All in all it was a good book and came together very well in the end. As long as you dont care about the religious outlook or can set that part aside it's a good story.
Kiss approved :***