Sunday, November 30, 2014

To Scream? Or To Try And Keep Quiet?!?!?!

My Soul To Lose- By Rachel Vincent

Intoxicating. I wasn't aware this was a prequel so when it was abruptly over I was left with a heart wrenching need to know what happened. Paranormal and psychological. Two of my favorite things! So I MUST continue into this girl's story. Look for following reviews on this series!
kiss approved :**** 4/5

To Know Who You Are? Or Not To?!?!?!

A Different Blue- By Amy Harmon

I'm not quite sure how to start with this one. There were parts that were really good and there were parts that were not so much so. The feeling this story gave me was one of randomness. There wasn't an ebb and flow that you long for in a good book. I wanted to feel swept up into whatever world Amy was sharing with me... however I felt just a step away from or even on the verge of stepping in.
A woman who doesn't know who she is, how old, or where she actually came from... fighting to keep her world from unraveling... sounds so good. And yet a bit of a let down.
1/5 :*

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

To Try And Sleep? Or To Stay Awake?!?!

Before I Go To Sleep by S.J Watson

Tantalizingly creepy and bound to make you think twice before doing the wrong thing. Real and gripping as you read page by page to figure out who tried to kill Christine and took away all she knew. And the better question you need to ask yourself is why.....
If you're into a good murder mystery that meets psychological thriller this is a story that sets the bar high. I would love to read more from S. J Watson or simply to pick their brain from the things they've seen working.
Definitely kiss approved.
-D xoxo 3/5