Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Lush with Life? Or A Flushed Waste of Time?!?!?!

Lush by S.L Baum

If you enjoy a game of chess... or a trudge up a hill to get to the climax of a story, well it'll be worth it. This book doesn't get to the grit and grime that grabs you and sucks you in until the middle/end but once it does there's no turning back.
Life is planned. Thought out. Everything is strategically planned from the moment you are born. Not everyone can raise children so after there fourth year the government does it for them. Perfect citizens upholding the beliefs of the government. Sounds so perfect.
Nothing is ever perfect my friends.
This book will end up capturing you in the mystery and suspense of our main character Bluebell and have you onto its sequel at three a.m. Or that could just be me.
A slow go but a good dystopian series thus far.
Other than the drawn out beginning there isn't much to complain about. A little condescending in the way it's written sometimes, as if the reader isn't that smart... and a bit predictable but it's a chance you take reading young adult novels. All in all I'll give it my stamp of approval and we'll see how the second one goes.
kiss approved :*** 3/5

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