Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A Love Story? OR A Tragic Ending?!?!?! Carrie Nyman-Why Aren't You Sweet Like Me?

Carrie writes us a love story based on her own grandparents! How neat first off. I've always thought of writing stories based on people I know and stories they've told me. Some of the most interesting things I've heard, that I can't even believe is real, have been from real people I've met or know(n). She takes us into love within the heart of World War II. 
The innocence of the characters and the simplicity way of life back then is so refreshing. Not that it was necessarily easier but I feel as though this world gets caught up into things that aren't tangible... that don't really matter in the end. It's a good book to curl up with on a winters night or on vacation. I liked that she based the novel on her family even though she may have changed pats here or there it makes it even more of a great book and story within itself. 
There are a few grammatical errors but it doesn't hinder the story. It started out for me at a slow pace. I wasn't sure if I was falling in love with the characters to the point where I couldn't put the book down. But toward the middle and for sure in the end I can feel the emotion and passion within her story and I didn't want it to end. I'm glad I kept reading. 
I think the voices of the characters are pretty awesome. We get distinct accents, which at times I had to go back and read to understand but it wasn't frustrating, it actually made me giggle because I could just about hear what these people were saying. And I love me some accents. I can listen to people with unique accents speak all day. 
It's a heartwarming story, unique. It makes you humble in how blessed we each truly are in how medicine and life has progressed. It makes us grateful for the family and friends, the love that surrounds us and is undying. 
Kiss approved :*** 3/5

Monday, June 10, 2013

Is it Hope? Or Complete Despair!?!?!? Silver Linings by Matthew Quick

I'm not sure how I want to approach a piece on this book. It's a good read, wonderfully written, loved the dialogue and flow. I can completely relate to it but I know it won't be everyone's cup of tea. If you are open or want to be open into a deeper understanding into the mind of someone who has a mental illness/struggle, if you aren't turned off as a reader by topics like depression, mental hospitals, counseling than maybe this book is just right for you. 
This story is one of an inward struggle, someone coming closer to the road of acceptance and closure. If you're looking for the typical, happy go lucky love story.... DON'T read this. 
You are sewn into Matt Quick's intricate cross-stitch of Pat People's life. You feel for Pat who sincerely believes that if he jumps through hoops to become the man he thinks his wife and God want him to be he will be reunited with her...... as we all know sometimes life likes to throw us curves and life doesn't go how we want. That's just how it is... however we are right behind Pat as he struggles with many issues on his road to recovery.  
This is a look deep into the heart of an issue that sent Pat spiraling to the brink/edge of sanity. We want to know what happened? Why is he like this? We want him to get better, to be sincerely happy! I think it gives a good insight into how some with depression or other mental struggles think and feel (BUT not everyone (you can NEVER group anyone into a certain circle... no one was made the same as any other....  there are always people who break what we think is "this" or "that" type of person group etc etc :note:I hate stereotypes))
As we see in this book, mental illness can affect every aspect of one's life and not to mention other's lives around them. It's a sobering book that I will say ends uniquely and thankfully with a smile. I can't say the book was ecstatic because although it's one that keeps you asking questions it isn't an overly happy, feel good, kind of read. I must say once again it is very, very, well written. And for those of us who have dealt with a mental illness it's a good story of what silver linings really are if you look deep enough and look outside the box. A story of someone on their way to living a happy, healthy life, where they are able to accept exactly what is, to separate fiction from reality, learning to be happy, find the silver lining, and begin moving forward. 

-D- :*** 3 1/2 out of 5 

*kiss approved*

Thursday, June 6, 2013

To Keep This? Or Pitch It?!?!?! The Things That Keep Us Here-Carla Buckley......

The prologue in this book was so intensely emotional that I felt paranoid. I was the woman who was losing my husband. I was the one whose heart was beating so rapidly out of panic. I was the one feeling the love of my life slip away. I was left feeling empty and void of happiness. How is it that such great authors have a way of manipulating our very feelings? As I sat thinking about what I read I wondered if maybe it'd be a story similar to the writing of Nicholas Sparks....
Hmph! WRONGO!!!! Carla Buckley draws you into a real life possibility. A virus turned lethal. I love watching movies that are like this however it always scares me how possible it really is. How quickly  a virus could mutate; an evil host sucking all we know and love away. It's a scary, ominous, real nightmare. 
She plays on real possibilities: power outages, food shortages, sickness, death.... This book will make you more aware of your surroundings, that is a guarantee! It makes you think, "Could I survive something like this? Would I be able to make it through or would I just be another casualty???" It's a sobering and terrifying thought to think about. 

That being said it was a great thriller. I was rooting and scared for all the characters from the very beginning. I was scared that if I stopped reading I'd miss it all in the, literal, blink of an eye. I wouldn't say that this is anywhere close to being kid friendly but it's a great mature read. Carla isn't afraid to not sugar coat things.... and honestly I can appreciate it in this book, it's real. I think that's why I felt every emotion that Ann did. How heart wrenching! The only thing I wasn't a fan of was the epilogue... I didn't need to know what happened with everyone. I skimmed through it but I'm just not that big on the whole epilogue extravaganza unless there's a book two or it's a must to the ending... sometimes it's nice to come up with your own ending or even left hanging (even though I mostly yell at the book when that happens because I waaaant to know). 
A must read if you're into thrillers and/or prepping for world disasters. 
kiss approved 
-D- :***** 5/5

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Beautiful Chaos- Beautiful Chaos? Or An Ugly Jumble!?!?! & Beautiful Redemption- An Ending Worth Finishing? Or The Beginning Of A Lecture!?!?!?!

(Well we've got a two for one tonight!!!! :) That being said onto the next, hopefully wonderful, book I go.)
Well.... deeper down the tunnels we go. It seems with each book the story gets a bit darker, sucking us a little deeper into the Caster world. Which is absolutely not a bad thing. However... if you're a parent or just someone who doesn't think Harry Potter is something you would allow your children/yourself  to read... you need to look into another book series. This book series defies the laws of "safe" imagination. Which some people aren't alright with or don't believe one should read. But that's alright. To each their own I say. This story is just a story, as dark and tantalizing as it may be, I find it amazing. I'm not running around trying witchcraft or whatever, it's just as fun of a read as Harry Potter.... I wanted you all to be aware if you prescreen what you or your children or whomever for that matter may be reading; because I do respect that side of the point of view as well..... That being said Onward :) !
The tight knit circle has only grown in this book and even though there are many characters, they have introduced them throughout... you feel as though you're part of the community, it's rather simple to keep them down and separate. It's a mystery just screaming to be solved, keeping you on your toes the whole way. I slowed down through this book because I just don't want it to end :( It is a must read! 
kiss approved -D- :**** 4/5

Well my friends... it is a sad day in the neighborhood... I had put it off for as long as I could because I didn't want to leave this town of Gatlin. I didn't want to leave Link, Ethan, Lena, Amma, Macon.. NONE of them... It just sucks lol 
I didn't want this series to end but the Caster Chronicles has come full circle. I'm not sure yet if I was a fan of the book switching between Ethan's and Lena's point of view but quite honestly I don't think there was any other way it could've been done. As slow as I tried to read and as long as I tried to draw it out, it was merely impossible. I would huff and puff and the people around me would ask, "What's wrong." I'd just pout and reply, "Oh I'm on such and such chapter... I'm that much closer to the end and I'm sad. I don't want it to end." In which most cases they looked at me with a raised eyebrow and shook their head but a few of my avid readers pouted with me in understanding haha. 
I loved that there was a moral to the end of this book but I don't think it needed to be spelled out for us the way it was.... I think it was already embedded throughout no need to dumb it down for us. It's the readers choice whether or not they want to take something from a book literally or if they just want to read for pure enjoyment and entertainment. At least that's what I think. 
That being said it kept me on my toes... I swear if it were true I'd have the strongest calf muscles right now. But I will say at the very end it was a little sappy. I did love the ending but if I'm being real... it's a bit sappy. 
I can't believe it's done!!!!!! It was a brilliant series. I'm so glad I read them! They were all so farrrrr from disappointing and close to epic. All of the books were just as intense as the first and exceeded my expectations...Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl have done it again!
this series is KISS APPROVED 
:***** 5/5