Hmph! WRONGO!!!! Carla Buckley draws you into a real life possibility. A virus turned lethal. I love watching movies that are like this however it always scares me how possible it really is. How quickly a virus could mutate; an evil host sucking all we know and love away. It's a scary, ominous, real nightmare.
She plays on real possibilities: power outages, food shortages, sickness, death.... This book will make you more aware of your surroundings, that is a guarantee! It makes you think, "Could I survive something like this? Would I be able to make it through or would I just be another casualty???" It's a sobering and terrifying thought to think about.
That being said it was a great thriller. I was rooting and scared for all the characters from the very beginning. I was scared that if I stopped reading I'd miss it all in the, literal, blink of an eye. I wouldn't say that this is anywhere close to being kid friendly but it's a great mature read. Carla isn't afraid to not sugar coat things.... and honestly I can appreciate it in this book, it's real. I think that's why I felt every emotion that Ann did. How heart wrenching! The only thing I wasn't a fan of was the epilogue... I didn't need to know what happened with everyone. I skimmed through it but I'm just not that big on the whole epilogue extravaganza unless there's a book two or it's a must to the ending... sometimes it's nice to come up with your own ending or even left hanging (even though I mostly yell at the book when that happens because I waaaant to know).
A must read if you're into thrillers and/or prepping for world disasters.
kiss approved
-D- :***** 5/5
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