Monday, June 1, 2015

To Love? Or Not To?!?! The 5 Love Languages The Secret To Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman

The 5 Love Languages- The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman

What a great insight! This book is filled with knowledge of how people give and receive love.  It definitely made me think in retrospect into my own past relationships and the way we showed one another love. Simply put: It just makes sense. Whether you're married or single I think it's a great book to take some lessons from. However I am excited to read the book he has for 'singles' seeing as I'm not married myself. But whether you're just starting out in marriage or dating.... or if you are on the brink of divorce and want to save your marriage... this is an amazing book. Doctor Chapman is definitely onto something.

kiss approved :***** 5/5

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