Sunday, May 5, 2013

A Comedy? Or a Bad Punchline!?!?! (Tina Fey's Bossypants)

Tina Fey. You've seen her on SNL... 30 Rock.... or maybe you have no idea who she is. But regardless she has a knack to make people laugh. And at the heart of this female feminist comedian is a mother, a daughter, and a woman with her own thoughts and feelings. Her book shows just this... her behind the scenes, backstage, story of how she came to be the Tina Fey we know and her random funny and other deep down serious stories along the way.
My good friend suggested we read a book together and I was all for it! I knew of Tina Fey but don't watch that much SNL or had any idea she had written "Mean Girls" (which by the way I looove). So when she gave me the title I quickly downloaded it, I'm always down to laugh. Little did I know until getting into the book that it wasn't as light-hearted as I assumed it would be... but you know what they say about assuming: "it makes an a** out of u and me".
That being said whether you love her or hate her, and whether you agree on any of her personal beliefs, one thing is true... she is full of vinegar and cake vodka ;)
There were quite a few parts in this book for me that was older than my young-ness knew... whether she talked about things that happened when I was a wee little thing or people that were more her generation than my own it was difficult for me to find a connection. There was more than once that names were dropped and I had no clue who she was mentioning... easy enough if you have google or friends and family older than you but neither of which I had the gusto to do at the time haha. That being said I wouldn't recommend it for the younger generation unless you're into years before your time or if you're looking for a light, quick, read- because that it is not.
However if you Love Tina Fey, SNL , or a mother/woman looking for a laugh and a woman to connect with that has a hell of a story than get down to it! She's a kick and a roll in the hay in some parts but there are other parts that are more of her story that she tells in a down and dirty raw essence.
kiss approved :*** 3/5

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