Sunday, May 12, 2013

Bound- A Thrill? OR A CHILL!?!?!?

This book by Kira Saito has such great potential but I'm so disappointed to say it was as if juvenilely written and published. It's a huge turn off... there are typos everywhere, which no book is perfect and for me I understood what the writer was getting at, however not everyone is going to feel that way. All of the little things add up and it starts to lose you as a reader, the story isn't smooth. It's like having small chunks of unmixed flour in your cookie dough.
Even in the beginning I felt as though the characters weren't fully believable and or they were underdeveloped. We look at Arelia a young girl who just found out she had a long unknown great aunt and yet it takes her about five minutes to be ok with her grandma who didn't tell her and then later on she isn't. She flips flops with her emotions throughout the entire story. As a reader you become confused. You should  always be in tune to your character as a writer... you should know the difference between what they would and wouldn't do or how they would and wouldn't feel.
Another pet peeve is the brand names being dropped like flies here and there and everywhere! It's like over sprinkling a cookie... you want them scattered about not in globs... For instance instead of saying that Arelia's best friend Sabrina uses a. b. and c. as a young girl to explain she's high maintenance... there are different ways of explaining like saying she can't get a spot of dirt on her clothes without changing or doesn't leave the house without her makeup and two pairs of different high heels. I'm personally not a fan of name drops, it doesn't impress me or make me feel any closer with the characters. I want to be able to relate them to my own life.
As a writer you would think you would follow the culture and ways of speaking depending on where your story takes place. I'm not sure while I read this if I was truly in New Orleans with Grandmere Bea a voodoo queen or if I am in just any other state with a regular grandmother. It needs cultural voice and taste, something unique, that takes you to the heart of New Orleans and their cultural ways....
As much as I wanted to read the second one to see if it gets any better I will not be doing so. All I can say is I'm disappointed it wasn't a better read. (Don't ever judge a book by its cover that's for sure)
-D- :* 1/5

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