Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Mystery? OR Should It Be History?!?!?! Second Grave on the Left by Darynda Jones

Can we just say snuck instead of sneaked??? I don't like it, 'proper' english or not. haha. But. For realsies through these two books every time I read 'sneaked' I couldn't help but cringe and in my mind say SNUCK! I'm weird. I know. But can someone agree with my thinking here???

You really can't help but love Charley throughout these books. If you like good sarcasm, a girl with spunk-vinegar- and a wholelottaspice you'll love it! She is so quirky and thinks of the greatest things to say. Things I wish my brain thought of in time and not after the fact... the "OH I SOOO SHOULD'VE SAID THAT!" (we all do it) You can't help but smirk or shake your head.

I'm happy this book has new mysteries and keeps you guessing. I will be honest I "thought" that I could guess the murderer and get in front/stay one step ahead of the book but yeah fricken right. Frustratingly enough (in a good way ;) ) with each twist and turn I was thrown off and was cliff hanging at the end!
Adventurous and as thrilling if not more-so than the first a great paranormal meets Private Investigator smorgasbord! Get ready for a ringer, it's gonna leave you wanting more in mid-air!!!!

KISS APPROVED! :**** 4/5

Thursday, July 18, 2013

A Killing? Or A Slow Torture?!?!?! First Grave On The Right by Darynda Jones

When my friend from work told me about this book series she definitely peaked my interest... the next day she hands the first three books to me. 
For all you lovers of books you'll probably understand this but it's like someone gave me a box of chocolates! <3 Instead of my mouth watering, my brain was ready to read! Now, when I read the back of the book :/ that was a different story. It honestly was kind of a turn off. But needless to say I gave it a chance and instantly fell in love with the grim reaper... aka, our lovely heroine of the story, Charley Davidson. 
This book is something I can see being made into a t.v. series. ABC family... someone... get on this!!!!!! I'd like Nina Dobev (Elena Gilbertson from vampire diaries) to be Charley Davidson... and Ian Somerhalder (Damon Salvador from vamp diaries) as Reyes. PLEASE someone back me up on this!@#*
Anywho! This book is SVU meets paranormal which I believe they did do a tv series somewhat like this... that was called the Dead Files?.. but I highly doubt it even came close to how this book made me feel. I was hooked as soon as I started reading. It's funny and witty, thrilling and mysterious, sexy and tempting. Oh I just loved it ok!?
It keeps you on your toes and keeps you guessing like any good murder mystery does. So if you like some romance, some sarcasm, some murder mystery, some paranormal... allll mixed in one check it out!
I only hope it doesn't get any more harlequinny... I've decided I'm more of a PG13 girl. And this book wasn't bad at all so don't get me wrong. But I can get the hint that he wants her, and she has sex with him, lalalala, without any lady or maley parts being mentioned...sometimes I'm a sissy haha but Don't let it frighten you off. It was mentioned like twice throughout the whole book, no biggie. 
Just going on a I want to have an innocent read rave. LOL 
Kiss aaaaprooved ;**** 4/5

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Angelic? OR Demonic?!?!? Angelfall by Susan Ee

How is it that I seem to be picking sequels... trilogies... or a series of books lately?!?!?! NOT only does this book have a second, I have to wait until NOVEMBER 19th!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!
Can you tell it was a pretty good one yet? ;)
When most of us think of the Apocalypse we don't really think about angels... But Susan Ee paints a haunting scene where angels have brought the Apocalypse to Earth, and humans are on the brink of extinction. I couldn't put this book down it was so captivating... so intense... so thrilling!
Now if you don't like Apocalyptic books or envisioning blood, guts, sci-fi creatures.. this isn't the book for you, you may want to find something a bit more peaceful. Don't be too scared, the blood and guts isn't dripping from the book but let's just say while I was reading, at around 80% of the way through last night, I was eating some delicious flavored popcorn and had to set it down. I had to physically cover my mouth, gasp, groan, and shake my head at what was going on. 
My boyfriend looked at me in concern asking if I was alright? 
"I'm fine I just can't believe this is happening?!?!?!" I frowned as I looked into his eyes for answers.... quickly spouting off a few things that were happening. And this is where his eyebrows crease in concern and disgust at what I just told him, but I dive instantly back into the book. 
I'm sad I finished it so quickly, I can't believe I have to wait until Nov! If you like Apocalyptic or sci-fi tales.... you MUST read this!!!! Some compared it to Hunger Games but I think it holds its own against the novel. It is full of emotion, adventure, destruction, friendships, family, loss, and strength. I can only hope Susan Ee makes the second so very real and exciting. Kiss aaaapproved!! :***** 5/5

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Tender? Or Too Intense?!?!? Tenderness by Dorothy Garlock

At first when my grandma handed this over to me and told me to read it, that it was a really good book, I said suuuuure. But I will admit it sat around for a couple of weeks. The cover to me (sorry grandma love you) looks like a grandma cover! It looks like something I would never ever pick up in the library or a book sale for that reason alone. Ya know how they say don't judge a book by its cover... gaaah I'm trying ok, but this one, it just looks lame to me. Boy was I wrong :( 
So anyway I finally picked it up and was shocked at how good it was... Grandma you were right. xoxo.
I really did enjoy this book. If you like mystery, adventure, thrilling-bound in a love story well you'd better pick it up. But beware this is set back in the time when the first Ford cars were just being invented. I have to be in the mood for that era but it's a really great read. I like taking trips back in time sometimes like that. When courting people meant coming to their house to talk or taking a walk and love was at times found at first sight before even getting to know them. It's just insane how different the world was back then comparably to now. 
That being said I like that Jesse, our loving heroine, is a dedicated, patient, sweet nurse. And then comes in the mountain man with a beard who is rough around the edges and we aren't sure wether he's good or bad. I have a thing for men with beards what can I say. It's sexy! 
It was a really nice read that made me feel like I was being courted by a knight in shining armor. It was full of chivalry and honor. 
I will say the only part I didn't care for was at the very end. A small 'love' scene... that I found unnecessary but it was whatever. Over all..... kiss approved!!!
;**** 4/5

p.s I know it's taken me a few to get this read and reviewed. I do apologize I've been trying to balance work and trying to be healthy by working out and being a woman of the house with cooking and cleaning and pheeeewie.. I don't know how all you women and men that do that daily make it look so easy. I get so worn out. But as I said please forgive me, I'll try to be better at getting books read and posted. As always: Read On!!! :)