Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Deal? OR A Lost Cause?!?! Patti Stanger's Seal the Deal

Let me just start off by saying I love this lovely lady!!! She's pretty awesome. I have watched millionaire matchmaker many a time and I sincerely can't help but listen to the things she says. Her words of wisdom. Not only is it a great show but there is a lot to learn regardless!!! 
Knowing she had published books on dating and steps toward the big commitment I was intrigued to read what she had to say... even though I was already in a relationship why not read it? Maybe there was something I could learn to better myself in my own relationship with my best friend whom I love and adore. He's always made me want to better myself. From supporting my dreams to just being a friend on the roughest of days. I want to be the best woman I can be for him, for us, for me.
So reading her books or watching her show... you have to either love her or hate her but either way she demands and has earned the right as a woman to be respected. Patti says it like it is even in her books which makes her that much more relatable. And even though secretly I may squint my eyes and not like exactly what she says, I know she's right. Come on she's got proof to back up that she's right ladies and gentleman. 
I have made my own mistakes within relationships but I definitely took a lot from this book. Whether you're single, married, or just in a relationship you should check it out. I don't think you should ever stop learning or trying to better yourself. And for those that are married you can give those of us who aren't, this good advice... and because maybe you're our best friends you can get it through our ever thickened skulls that try to make excuses for the ones we love or for ourselves ;) 
I may just get her first two books to see what else she has to say, I really enjoyed reading this one with her personality and stories from her own matchmaking... I enjoyed every moment!!!!! xoxo
-kiss approved- 
-D :**** 4/5

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