Sunday, December 29, 2013

A Thrill? Or A Buzzkill?!?!

The Rabid by J.V Roberts
Now I’ve had my fair share of Zombie movies… Zombie shows… Zombie costumes…. But this,this was my
FIRST Zombie novel!
I was sincerely nervous, would it be as good as what I was used to? Would it feel  real? Or would it be a pathetic attempt at bringing Zombies to the imagination  through words???
I started reading… I became more nervous. Enter our male lead; a young male who loved interpretative dance?.... Uh…yeah… to me that just doesn’t fit, BUT I kept on  reading and suddenly all of that faded and it hardly mattered.
This Zombie novel exceeded my expectations! Brains, guts, gore, guns, death, destruction…. YEP it’s a winner!!!!! There were nights I wanted to sleep with my dogs and my crossbow and hunting knife nearby… ok maybe not to that extent but pretty close ;)
The Rabid is a toe curling… paranoia‐enhancing type of novel guaranteed to take  you on a thrill of an adventure. So enter at your own risk!
Kiss approved :**** 4/5

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The World After? Or The END!?!?

World After By Susan Ee

The sequel to Angelfall is no letdown. Hauntingly real Susan Ee has a disturbingly creative imagination. It’s beyond captivating.
I sincerely wasn’t able to put this book down for one second!!! I didn’t want it to end and I hope she continues onto a third book so I can know what happens to Penryn’s sister and mother. I want to know if Raffe the angel and Penryn will go against the odds… against the rules… and end up with one another!!!
I was so drawn to Raffe… if he was real I would sooo be Penryn… That’s the great thing, Susan Ee makes you feel like you are these characters… that you’re the one in the World After where you worry about food, safety, angels, and demons.
The images Susan Ee has drawn echo through your mind hours later.
This is NOT a book for children or the weak of stomach. Between the violence and horrific images your mind will paint “viewer discretion is advised”. I’m so sad that it ended but there was NO way I could set it down.
It’s something you will want to reread again. It’s a MUST read if you don’t mind some thrills and chills…
:***** 5/5

Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Gift? Or A Waste?! Intangible by J Meyer

Intangible By J. Meyer
A novel of twins, a brother and a sister with special gifts. One a healer. The other a  Seer… sounds enticing right?! Well that’s at least what I had thought before reading it. However a slow  start and confusion in characters dampened my spirits. I wasn’t sure what to expect  but a mix of vampires and elves wasn’t really it.
In the beginning ot almost seemed underdeveloped and I wanted to put  it in the kids  section of the library in my head rather than the young adult. Now hold up before  you just sign this book off of your to read list... As I got further in the book it  seemed to suddenly flow better and the characters were a bit more believable.
Having Lilith the Queen of the Damned suddenly made sense to have her take part in it.I felt the book had switched gears and was finally on track with the vision. There  were still bits and pieces that didn’t add up with the characters or the storyline but i ended up wanting to know what was going to happen next. yes of couuurse…  after I’ve said I wanted to stay away from all these multiple book series it does have  a sequel haha
I would like to read it just to see what happens with the twins and  their gifted entourage. ;)
I will say in a  manner of hesitance it is kiss approved...I only hope book two is a bit more put together when I end up reading it.

To Give Up? Or Keep Going?! Is God Really In Control by Jerry Bridges

Is God Really In Control By Jerry Bridges

I think all of us regardless of our religion or what we do or do not believe in come across trying/devastating times and circumstances where we ask why.. how... times where we don't understand.... Sometimes we get to the point where all we want to do is throw in the towel and just give up.
Lately I had been in that exact position... I can't begin to explain the pain, the deceit, the pure confusion I've been treading through within the last few months...

I luckily have some amazing people in my life that have surrounded me in their love and concern and happiness... and even beyond that I have my faith.

I have God and I have thrown myself into this book and the word of God. and although it doesn't give me the why's... it doesn't give me the answers in to my problems or to everything, and it sure as hell hasn't taken away all the pain... but it has brought comfort.. peace.. love.

I enjoyed this book/devotional from beginning to end. Some of it reiterated things I already knew.. but there was quite a bit I didn't and a lot that I was able to take and learn from in its entirety.

It is a must read for those of us who cry out why and for those of us who have doubts from all the tragedies and personal adversities in this world and in our own lives.

I loved how Jerry pulled excerpts from other books and some highly known figures to back up these truths. And at the end of each chapter there are discussion questions. (For the most part I enjoyed them, it brought all I read home and I was able to reflect on each section.)

I sincerely look forward to reading more by him.
Kiss approved. :***** 5/5
