Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Gift? Or A Waste?! Intangible by J Meyer

Intangible By J. Meyer
A novel of twins, a brother and a sister with special gifts. One a healer. The other a  Seer… sounds enticing right?! Well that’s at least what I had thought before reading it. However a slow  start and confusion in characters dampened my spirits. I wasn’t sure what to expect  but a mix of vampires and elves wasn’t really it.
In the beginning ot almost seemed underdeveloped and I wanted to put  it in the kids  section of the library in my head rather than the young adult. Now hold up before  you just sign this book off of your to read list... As I got further in the book it  seemed to suddenly flow better and the characters were a bit more believable.
Having Lilith the Queen of the Damned suddenly made sense to have her take part in it.I felt the book had switched gears and was finally on track with the vision. There  were still bits and pieces that didn’t add up with the characters or the storyline but i ended up wanting to know what was going to happen next. yes of couuurse…  after I’ve said I wanted to stay away from all these multiple book series it does have  a sequel haha
I would like to read it just to see what happens with the twins and  their gifted entourage. ;)
I will say in a  manner of hesitance it is kiss approved...I only hope book two is a bit more put together when I end up reading it.

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