Sunday, December 28, 2014

Armed? Or A False?!?!?

Mediocre at best... I wanted to fall in love with this story. This novel feels young, written from the authors mind and that is it. When we read we want to feel as if the characters are real, vulnerable, like we are the fly on the wall. The author is like the puppeteer and in this book all I see is strings and all I hear is her voice. I'm sad to say there's nothing to attach you to the unbelievable characters within. And the storyline really couldn't stand on its own due to the lack of character so I won't be moving forward through this series as much as I may have wanted to.
D- 1/5

My Soul To Save... The Third And As Far As I Go....

..... And the ball was now fumbled. The story lost its small momentum in this book that was slow to build through the last two. I started to skim rather than be ensnared into the story with the characters. So sadly I won't be spending any more time reading this series.
D-  1/5

Sunday, December 7, 2014

To Save Them? Or To Let Them Go?!?!?!

My Soul To Take by Rachel Vincent

Not exactly what I had been hoping for but I'm into it nonetheless. It felt almost cliche with the whole; young teen finds out they have something different about them.... befriends similar teen.... lalalala.

I pictured Kaylee staying in the psych ward and somehow breaking out and then we learn from there that she is different etc etc. Personally, I'm wondering what happened to the girl she met inside there...that's really when  we realize that there was a paranormal essence to her story. My other pet peeve in this book is that Kaylee refers to her few days in the psych ward as if it were months..... get a grip.

I do however see this series, with slight tweaking becoming a cool TV series like Teen Wolf, or something similar. Not as psychological as I had wished but definitely paranormal so I'll go forward. I would say this book would be geared toward more of the younger teens just getting into paranormal.
kiss approved
-D :*** 3/5

Sunday, November 30, 2014

To Scream? Or To Try And Keep Quiet?!?!?!

My Soul To Lose- By Rachel Vincent

Intoxicating. I wasn't aware this was a prequel so when it was abruptly over I was left with a heart wrenching need to know what happened. Paranormal and psychological. Two of my favorite things! So I MUST continue into this girl's story. Look for following reviews on this series!
kiss approved :**** 4/5

To Know Who You Are? Or Not To?!?!?!

A Different Blue- By Amy Harmon

I'm not quite sure how to start with this one. There were parts that were really good and there were parts that were not so much so. The feeling this story gave me was one of randomness. There wasn't an ebb and flow that you long for in a good book. I wanted to feel swept up into whatever world Amy was sharing with me... however I felt just a step away from or even on the verge of stepping in.
A woman who doesn't know who she is, how old, or where she actually came from... fighting to keep her world from unraveling... sounds so good. And yet a bit of a let down.
1/5 :*

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

To Try And Sleep? Or To Stay Awake?!?!

Before I Go To Sleep by S.J Watson

Tantalizingly creepy and bound to make you think twice before doing the wrong thing. Real and gripping as you read page by page to figure out who tried to kill Christine and took away all she knew. And the better question you need to ask yourself is why.....
If you're into a good murder mystery that meets psychological thriller this is a story that sets the bar high. I would love to read more from S. J Watson or simply to pick their brain from the things they've seen working.
Definitely kiss approved.
-D xoxo 3/5

Monday, August 4, 2014

Is It Real? Or Is It Something Unearthly?!?!?!

Gravity by Abigail Boyd

Hauntingly mysterious! As long as you can handle ghostly murder mystery it's a riveting book. With my imagination I don't watch ghostly movies but this is the first time I've ever tried a book as such.
Abigail is talented enough that you want to read it all in the day so the dark shadows at night aren't in question by your imagination.
Startlingly real.
I was gripping the book, craving to know what had happened to Ariel's best friend Jenna. And as we come to the end there are deeper darker questions waiting to be answered in the second book. I cannot wait. A book worth the time to read!
kiss approved :**** 4/5

Monday, July 28, 2014

Hush And Crush by S.L Baum... the second and third to Lush.

Hush by S.L Baum

What a way to follow up to a slow first book. This one was a super quick read, didn't even take me a full day to read it.
Society as they know it is quickly unravelling. This book is much quicker and way more enticing than the first I must say, so I'm glad I kept reading. I'm a little disappointed in the predictability to this series but it would probably be a great read for the younger "young adults".
kiss approved :** 2/5

Crush by S.L Baum

...... I am severely upset... ok maybe not... but I am sad that this last book in the series was a fumble. It felt rushed, predictable, unrealistic. The characters and feel that was found in the second book was quickly lost in translation. It had so much potential and it was as if the author didn't want to write anymore and quickly came up with an end... it wasn't fitting... and I'm sorry to say I will not approve the series any further.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Lush with Life? Or A Flushed Waste of Time?!?!?!

Lush by S.L Baum

If you enjoy a game of chess... or a trudge up a hill to get to the climax of a story, well it'll be worth it. This book doesn't get to the grit and grime that grabs you and sucks you in until the middle/end but once it does there's no turning back.
Life is planned. Thought out. Everything is strategically planned from the moment you are born. Not everyone can raise children so after there fourth year the government does it for them. Perfect citizens upholding the beliefs of the government. Sounds so perfect.
Nothing is ever perfect my friends.
This book will end up capturing you in the mystery and suspense of our main character Bluebell and have you onto its sequel at three a.m. Or that could just be me.
A slow go but a good dystopian series thus far.
Other than the drawn out beginning there isn't much to complain about. A little condescending in the way it's written sometimes, as if the reader isn't that smart... and a bit predictable but it's a chance you take reading young adult novels. All in all I'll give it my stamp of approval and we'll see how the second one goes.
kiss approved :*** 3/5

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Successful? Or An Epic Failure?!?!

Hover by Melissa West:

Ari is now part alien and en route to save both the humans and the Leogans. Between the physical and emotional struggles through this thriller you won't be able to put this compelling sequel to Gravity down.
*Mind over matter*
Will she ever succeed this cliff hanging story and be reunited with her family and friends back on earth?????
The 3rd book is pre-ordered and now all I have to do is patiently wait.....

Is it December yet?!?!?!??!?

kiss approved :**** 4/5

Sunday, June 29, 2014

A Way Out? Or Just Another Corner?!?!

Radicals By Frankie Rose:

This novel that followed Halo went by way too quickly. Sincerely! Even when I tried to postpone and quit reading for a few days, I just couldn't keep myself away.
All I have to say to Frankie is- there best be a third book coming our way soon or I am just going to wither away into nothing. Haha.
Frankie definitely knows how to play all sides of the field and keep you guessing that's for sure. It's a novel that will keep you on your toes. Leave you fighting for every character and their freedom.
I'll keep it short and sweet since it's a sequel but if you like dystopian novels.... this is an absolute must read!!!!
kiss approved :**** 4/5

Thursday, May 29, 2014

To Feel? Or To Wound Without Thought?!?

Halo by Frankie Rose...                              
 Have you ever imagined what it'd be like in a world without emotion... where feeling was muted... drugged. Frankie Rose invites us into just that. A dystopian world of drugged feelings and fights to the death. 
She has us follow her main character in the greatest awakening of her life. A journey of experiencing raw and rigid emotion.... thrilling curves as she is thrown into a society completely opposite of what she has grown up in. A society governed by tradition and Gods.... true love and pain. Opportunity and destruction presents itself as the fine thread between the two worlds unravels. 
This book is contagious and spreads through you. An epic novel of pure enjoyment. Onto the sequel.... I can't wait. 
kiss approved :***** 5/5

Monday, May 12, 2014

To Play Nice? Or Be A "B****"?!

We've all heard men and women say.... she is such a bitch why are you with her? But the man is so enamored by her that there they stay. 

I wasn't sure how I'd feel about this book. I've never really read something quite like this, but it caught my attention. 

Many women allow themselves to become a doormat or a mother moreso than a partner or a lover. 

It's important to do things for yourself. To be happy first and foremost with yourself. To not surround every waking moment indulged in your significant other. And if you have found yourself letting or have let these things happen you should read through.

There are great pieces shared from men and women alike. Sherry Argov gives out some great advice that seems pretty obvious when pointed out but there are also simple mess ups that many women do or have done thinking they're doing right but simply trying too hard.

Would definitely advise single women to read it before jumping straight into the dating scene!
Kiss approved
-D :****

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

World Book Night

Check out @wbnamerica's Tweet:

Share what you're reading with me and everyone else!!! Celebrate world book night :))

Sunday, April 20, 2014

A Dark Twist? Or A Spiral Downward?!

A.G Howard’s book Unhinged (sequel to Splintered) is nothing short of magical. It’s gotten a bit darker, slightly more chaotic, and even more alluring! 
A.G Howard has a sight for detail and imagination bringing life to Wonderland’s creatures through her mastership of writing. I got excited every time I delved back into the book, never wanting to reach the end.
That being said….. I MUST SAY: “There best be another book in the works!” 

I need to know what has happened to everyone that is in Wonderland. I’m dying to find out. I’d have to say this sequel may have, by far, surpassed it’s first counterpart.
The characters… the scenery… the emotion and mood. It’s savage, fervent, and inspiring. 
She has the knack to write and I cannot wait to see more from her.
Kiss approved :***** 5/5

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Splintered? Or Shattered?!?!?

Splintered by A. G. Howard

We are captured in the very start of this story as Allie's (our main female role) tale unfolds before us. We learn her family is very uniquely cursed. Cursed by the Alice, the one who followed a white rabbit down the rabbit hole. Do you remember? You know that cute Disney fairytale??? Alice in Wonderland!?!?!

However... this novel is the Donnie Darko version of Alice in Wonderland. And if you haven't seen Donnie Darko you should probably take a couple hours out of your day, rent, and watch it. It's a classic although pretty twisted.


A dark Alice in Wonderland. One with schizophrenic mothers and a white rabbit who isn't so white... and is more rabid than rabbit. The tale is a bit more twisted than I would've guessed. But along with the dark there's a balance of light. A balance of cute romance and a handful of mystery :)

This book was one of those that made me excited to read at every spare moment, every open opportunity, that I had. I couldn't finish this book fast enough.

A.G Howard is 2 parts twisted and 1 part magical ;) I'm HOOKED!

Kiss approved. :***** 5/5

Friday, March 21, 2014

Just A Dream? Or A Religious Slip?!?

Dome Of Dreams by Mark Brakovich

Opening the book I thought it was going to be post apocalyptic sci-fi and although it was a little of both... it wasn't at all what I had expected.
It played deep into the new age idea of everyone is a god... that they only need to pray to and amongst themselves to get what they need.
The world was brought down because man had forgotten that every one could be god. They had relied too much on other gods, rather than themselves.
Seeing as my religious beliefs are completely different it was a little strange. But setting that aside it was pretty sweet. Mysterious and a fast read.
The stories of our two main ladies are elegantly spun together as we wonder how these two are so intricately connected.
All in all it was a good book and came together very well in the end. As long as you dont care about the religious outlook or can set that part aside it's a good story.
Kiss approved :***

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Judgement? Or Just A Let Down?!

Branded by Keary Taylor

It took me long enough to read book one. I'm not sure if it was just life that got in the midst of my reading or lack of sincere interest during this novel.
This book plays on religion; will you be granted entrance into heaven or condemned to hell?
The votes of this outcome is cast by a table of angels.  Your good or bad deeds of the lifetime that you have lived are brought before them... what will they decide?
Our main heroine is plagued by these trials. She sees them in her dreams over and over. What will happen? Why was she cursed to live this way?!
I will say I believe it is a great concept. However I don't think this novel reached it's full potential. It fell as we were taken into a typical guy loves girl story. I felt as though the basic story was too predictable...that it wasn't pieced together as well as I know the author could have.
Although I am intrigued to know what would happen in the second story I can't come to the point of reading it to only be let down again. I cannot bring myself to over analyze or play this novel up anymore than I have. Keep on reading crew :*


Sunday, January 12, 2014

United? Or Separated?!?!!?

United Eden by Nicole Williams

I was so excited to read this third book in the Eden series. I was left hanging in the second crying and so distraught as if my heart was the one that was broken.

The third wasn’t really anything less than I expected.  There was a lot of suspense and action… a little guessable but I was ok with it. I’m so happy it ended well because I really think it would’ve felt like my broken heart in the end. I fell in love with these characters despite the slow start in book one and the awkward moments throughout.

I would definitely read more by Nicole Williams!!! I think I may try her book Fissure or even Fusion!

Kiss Approved :**** 4/5


Giving Up? Or Giving It To God?!?!

Praying For Your Future Husband (Preparing Your Heart for His) by Robin Jones Gunn and Tricia Goyer


These women have a way of so eloquently bringing prayer and thankfulness to any circumstance regarding the male species and plain and simply giving it to God.

This isn’t a how to get the guy… it’s not how to lose a guy in ten days…. It’s a devotional of praying and giving it all to God, letting him decide what is right for you and for his glory.

I love Robin and Trish’s stories along with the other women’s stories as well that are sprinkled throughout. It hits home knowing these women aren’t perfect… they don’t have perfect stories… some have been single for years and years but they’re happy, content with what God has blessed them with. That’s what it’s all about. Accepting what God decides for your life.

I think it’s a must read for the single women of this world… too much society pressures us to just be with someone etc. I’d say any teen on up who can handle discussions about sex, abortion, dating, and marriage need to read this. I didn’t read this looking for how to get a man but I really had never thought praying for your to be husband was something you could do. It intrigued me. So I read it. There was so much to take from this book. And I feel more at peace and content in my own relationship with God by giving him everything in my life… my thoughts, my wishes, desires, my concerns.

If you’re a single woman… give it a shot.

Kiss approved :***** 5/5


Saturday, January 4, 2014

Eden? Or A Hell?!?!

Fallen Eden By Nicole Williams

Oh my lanta. I'm not sure if I'm being overly girly, my emotions are hiked up to my chest, or the whole William and Bryn duo reminded me of a love story I once knew, but I was simply infatuated with this book.
I started it yesterday and didn't set it down till I finished it late last night. Just like the book before it, it had started out slow but after the first chapter or so there was nothing else I wanted to do but delve deep within this book and never come out.
I laughed. I cried. I got antsy just needing to know what would happen between our two star crossed lovers.
When a book can grab you and make your heart feel the things it's tried to mask, when it makes you grab a pillow or blanket to pull close, the small imperfections, the literary mistakes all fade away. It's like falling in love, when you're in..nothing else matters around you.
Here's an insight into what this book, at its low point, made me feel last night: (which I had to share on my twitter)

 "This book has taken a scalpel to the scabs on my heart and opened them up like doors into my pain...f #creepinup #lost #heartbroken"

Oh yeah it got me good last night :/ and here is my favorite excerpt/quote from the book, Nicole Williams-you got it babe:
Kiss approved
-D :***** 5/5

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A Devotional? Or A Drag!?!?

Doing Things Right In Matters Of The Heart by John Ensor

I had seen a couple quotes taken from this book on a blog site of devotionals. Those few quotes peaked my interest to get the book. I was excited for a good devotional having to do with my heart.
Just what I needed!

I was kind of let down. :(  It's more of a scientific like, theoretically religious, point of view type of written book backed up by ENDLESS sources. Sounds exciting right???

I had expected a devotional from said author/pastor with open, guiding, arms in matters of the heart. I think this book could be something that may be great for pastors, youth groups, bible studies, etc. But for the rest of us would I recommend it? eh... Probably not.

If it would've focused on a few key points it'd probably have been a hit with me. Instead I felt like I was running from corner to corner trying to understand what he was getting at.

Although for whatever reason, it came together better at the end.

And for the record who... what author compares their life to food without at least explaining how it is like said item!!! In this book he refers to his life as having pudding. Ok weird choice but I'll roll with it... I wait for an explanation... and wait... uh still waiting..annnnd I don't get it.

That being said I did take some great tools from this book to apply to my own life. He has some eye opening stories and passages from others. He also has some great quotes. I can't help but love me some good quotes to post on social media/share and encourage friends with but.. thaaaat's about it folks.
