Sunday, December 29, 2013

A Thrill? Or A Buzzkill?!?!

The Rabid by J.V Roberts
Now I’ve had my fair share of Zombie movies… Zombie shows… Zombie costumes…. But this,this was my
FIRST Zombie novel!
I was sincerely nervous, would it be as good as what I was used to? Would it feel  real? Or would it be a pathetic attempt at bringing Zombies to the imagination  through words???
I started reading… I became more nervous. Enter our male lead; a young male who loved interpretative dance?.... Uh…yeah… to me that just doesn’t fit, BUT I kept on  reading and suddenly all of that faded and it hardly mattered.
This Zombie novel exceeded my expectations! Brains, guts, gore, guns, death, destruction…. YEP it’s a winner!!!!! There were nights I wanted to sleep with my dogs and my crossbow and hunting knife nearby… ok maybe not to that extent but pretty close ;)
The Rabid is a toe curling… paranoia‐enhancing type of novel guaranteed to take  you on a thrill of an adventure. So enter at your own risk!
Kiss approved :**** 4/5

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The World After? Or The END!?!?

World After By Susan Ee

The sequel to Angelfall is no letdown. Hauntingly real Susan Ee has a disturbingly creative imagination. It’s beyond captivating.
I sincerely wasn’t able to put this book down for one second!!! I didn’t want it to end and I hope she continues onto a third book so I can know what happens to Penryn’s sister and mother. I want to know if Raffe the angel and Penryn will go against the odds… against the rules… and end up with one another!!!
I was so drawn to Raffe… if he was real I would sooo be Penryn… That’s the great thing, Susan Ee makes you feel like you are these characters… that you’re the one in the World After where you worry about food, safety, angels, and demons.
The images Susan Ee has drawn echo through your mind hours later.
This is NOT a book for children or the weak of stomach. Between the violence and horrific images your mind will paint “viewer discretion is advised”. I’m so sad that it ended but there was NO way I could set it down.
It’s something you will want to reread again. It’s a MUST read if you don’t mind some thrills and chills…
:***** 5/5

Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Gift? Or A Waste?! Intangible by J Meyer

Intangible By J. Meyer
A novel of twins, a brother and a sister with special gifts. One a healer. The other a  Seer… sounds enticing right?! Well that’s at least what I had thought before reading it. However a slow  start and confusion in characters dampened my spirits. I wasn’t sure what to expect  but a mix of vampires and elves wasn’t really it.
In the beginning ot almost seemed underdeveloped and I wanted to put  it in the kids  section of the library in my head rather than the young adult. Now hold up before  you just sign this book off of your to read list... As I got further in the book it  seemed to suddenly flow better and the characters were a bit more believable.
Having Lilith the Queen of the Damned suddenly made sense to have her take part in it.I felt the book had switched gears and was finally on track with the vision. There  were still bits and pieces that didn’t add up with the characters or the storyline but i ended up wanting to know what was going to happen next. yes of couuurse…  after I’ve said I wanted to stay away from all these multiple book series it does have  a sequel haha
I would like to read it just to see what happens with the twins and  their gifted entourage. ;)
I will say in a  manner of hesitance it is kiss approved...I only hope book two is a bit more put together when I end up reading it.

To Give Up? Or Keep Going?! Is God Really In Control by Jerry Bridges

Is God Really In Control By Jerry Bridges

I think all of us regardless of our religion or what we do or do not believe in come across trying/devastating times and circumstances where we ask why.. how... times where we don't understand.... Sometimes we get to the point where all we want to do is throw in the towel and just give up.
Lately I had been in that exact position... I can't begin to explain the pain, the deceit, the pure confusion I've been treading through within the last few months...

I luckily have some amazing people in my life that have surrounded me in their love and concern and happiness... and even beyond that I have my faith.

I have God and I have thrown myself into this book and the word of God. and although it doesn't give me the why's... it doesn't give me the answers in to my problems or to everything, and it sure as hell hasn't taken away all the pain... but it has brought comfort.. peace.. love.

I enjoyed this book/devotional from beginning to end. Some of it reiterated things I already knew.. but there was quite a bit I didn't and a lot that I was able to take and learn from in its entirety.

It is a must read for those of us who cry out why and for those of us who have doubts from all the tragedies and personal adversities in this world and in our own lives.

I loved how Jerry pulled excerpts from other books and some highly known figures to back up these truths. And at the end of each chapter there are discussion questions. (For the most part I enjoyed them, it brought all I read home and I was able to reflect on each section.)

I sincerely look forward to reading more by him.
Kiss approved. :***** 5/5


Friday, November 29, 2013

A Date? Or A Disaster?!?!?! Drinking My Way Through 14 Dating Sites by Tiffany Peon

Tiffany Peon should probably write for a magazine. Her piece was hilarious and relatable. Her own story of trying to move on from a devastating breakup... we've all been there if we aren't already. That being said she makes it through and ends up reuniting with her ex but this is her short tale of it.
If you learn anything take it as this: Everything happens for a reason & sometimes it's to learn that no matter what... you're gonna be ok.
The book was a fast read and despite my lack of finding humor in anything at the moment (due in full to my personal life struggles) I couldn't help but at least smile.
The only downfall was at some points I wasn't quite sure where the part in the story fell whether it happened pre-reunite or not.
It's a fun read for those single and dating or just to get a good chuckle at another's expense of online dating.
Kiss approved
-Dani  :**** 4/5

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Sneak Peek? Or A Steal?!?!?! Intuition by J Meyers

-A bonus Intangible short story.
It wasn't anything that captivated my full attention from the get go but as it got close to the end it was a mystery I wanted to know how it'd be solved. So last night I bought the actual book, Intangible, so we will see exactly how this all goes!!!!
*As always read on* xoxo

Sunday, November 3, 2013

The End? Or Just Another Beginning!?!?

Cassandra Clare weaves an intricate tale from beginning to end....or maybe there's more to come? That's what I think anyway! ;) through the fourth
you are gripping the arm of your chair even more so than the first three...waiting..wondering...what will happen to the beloved characters.
When their stories started into separate sections and switched back and forth I wasn't a fan at all. All I cared to know was about Jace and Clary. Their story was first and foremost buuuut by book five
I wanted to know what was happening in each and every one of their complicated life stories. LOVE. TREACHERY. TRUTH. LIES. Painted dot by dot until we see the complete picture come together. I absolutely loved these books. As always she leaves room for discussion and opportunity to guess as to what's to come.
 I am excited to read the prequels but for the moment I'll move into something else for those of you who are ready for something new!!!
Kiss approved :***** 5/5

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Mortal Instruments 2&3 by Cassandra Clare

City Of Ashes
My Lord have mercy it only gets better!!!! The second book flew..... the dangers... the emotions. If it keeps on going she may be considered the Stephen King of the super natural world. It's captivating... enthralling... exquisite in capturing the struggles outside and within the characters.
If only I could crawl into the pages into the Shadowhunter realm. I would completely fall in love with a lycanthrope...vamp... or a shadowhunter. I don't think I'd want to come back to reality. ONTO THE THIRD!!!!
P.S. way to leave us hanging at the end of book 2!!!!
kiss approved :***** 5/5

City of Glass
Sincerely entertaining and epically Earth shattering... The ever evolving world of the paranormal has come to a righteous stand where Cassandra should be standing proud and tall.
To find a book series so intoxicating is rare and should be cherished. With each book I move onto I get more and more nervous that it may not be as good as the one prior but I can proudly/happily say I have been more than satisfied. Always left wanting more! I don't want to give anything away but she threw such a curve ball.... I had to set the book down to yell with excitement, via facebook, to the coworker/friend who recommended this series. 
kiss approved :***** 5/5 

Monday, October 7, 2013

A Rare Find? OR A Lengthy Series!?!?!?! Mortal Instruments Series-City Of Bones by Cassandra Clare

From page one to page 485 this book is dripping with flavor excitement and passion. You realize how previous books were rather mediocre as you try to hurry your eyes and brain to suck in and process it all.
Oh! How I didn't want the book to end but good God I just wanted to get to the next one. Don't even think you'll know what's going to happen next! I was thrown for such a loop last night I seriously had to stop and contemplate the information I had found out before the end of the book....
It is undoubtedly one of those books you will either forget to or choose not to eat to continue reading.
It's full of glamour and horror, beauty and death, pain and happiness, love and hate....everything beautifully written into a will be classic.
CAN'T GET ENOUGH!!! A MUUUUSSST READ!!! For all those fantasy/sci-fi/paranormal junkies such as myself you have to go pick it up! Onto the second I can't wait!!!!!! I'm HOOKED!!!!!

Kiss approved :***** 5/5 


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Eternal Eden? OR Love in Hell?!?!?! Eternal Eden by Nicole Williams

Although this book has taken forever for me to finish I must say it was a book that can easily be picked up and read/remember exactly where you left off. 
If you're looking for a thrilling sci-fi-ish romance it's a good one. Keeps you guessing and routing for love as William and Bryn fight the odds that are against them. I don't want to give anything away but it isn't what I thought it would be. In a good way but nonetheless it isn't vampires which is what I thought in the beginning and although I love me some teeth sinking in I was ready for a change. I will say I wasn't the biggest fan in the beginning but by the end of book one I was left wanting more. AND I want to know if they can beat the odds and end up together!!!!!
Parts of the book ebb and flow a little rocky but all in all it doesn't set the mood or read back by much. Like I said it's a good read and I'm excited to read the next one after I read a certain book one of my lovely coworkers gave me to read she's been blowing through the whole series. so cheers to drinking wine staying healthy and reading all we can ;) hehe
kiss approved.... as always read on! :*** 3/5

Sunday, September 29, 2013


So crew.... it's me. Back from the dead. A brokenness, some really rough times, a move, a second full time job and a promotion there which is exciting (I absolutely love it there, it's good to be back in the salon industry... it makes me happy).... to say the least it's been more than chaotic. What I can say is no matter what you must always follow your heart, you must keep dreaming, and stay focused on your life and love for yourself. Everything happens for a reason and in the end it will all work out the way it is supposed to. I apologize so so much for anyone who has been waiting for new books to read. :(  I've been reading the same book now for weeks... it seems like it has been forever. Between the ten minute drive between jobs, the 3-4 hours of sleep and just trying to stay motivated and keep myself from thinking too much I have been reading it here and there. But that being said I am still here. Still kickin' it and still reading. :) I hope you all have been well... book reviews are on the way. 
xoxo *read on*
Yours Truly. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Deal? OR A Lost Cause?!?! Patti Stanger's Seal the Deal

Let me just start off by saying I love this lovely lady!!! She's pretty awesome. I have watched millionaire matchmaker many a time and I sincerely can't help but listen to the things she says. Her words of wisdom. Not only is it a great show but there is a lot to learn regardless!!! 
Knowing she had published books on dating and steps toward the big commitment I was intrigued to read what she had to say... even though I was already in a relationship why not read it? Maybe there was something I could learn to better myself in my own relationship with my best friend whom I love and adore. He's always made me want to better myself. From supporting my dreams to just being a friend on the roughest of days. I want to be the best woman I can be for him, for us, for me.
So reading her books or watching her show... you have to either love her or hate her but either way she demands and has earned the right as a woman to be respected. Patti says it like it is even in her books which makes her that much more relatable. And even though secretly I may squint my eyes and not like exactly what she says, I know she's right. Come on she's got proof to back up that she's right ladies and gentleman. 
I have made my own mistakes within relationships but I definitely took a lot from this book. Whether you're single, married, or just in a relationship you should check it out. I don't think you should ever stop learning or trying to better yourself. And for those that are married you can give those of us who aren't, this good advice... and because maybe you're our best friends you can get it through our ever thickened skulls that try to make excuses for the ones we love or for ourselves ;) 
I may just get her first two books to see what else she has to say, I really enjoyed reading this one with her personality and stories from her own matchmaking... I enjoyed every moment!!!!! xoxo
-kiss approved- 
-D :**** 4/5

Monday, August 12, 2013

A Seer? Or A Fake!?!?!?! Glimpse by Stacey Wallace Benefiel

How can this book go from middle school mentality to I wrap my arms around someone and arch my back for my first kiss?! PFFFFFT YEAH RIGHT! Sorry but you can't go form nothing-innocence to I'm going to wrap my fingers in his hair and kiss him hard on the mouth.... *roll my eyes* I think for most of us out there our first kiss was beautiful in the sense we were naiive and nervous and scared of what to/not do. "Oh Good GRIEF"
It's sad that this book is so juvenilely written... I had some hopes... and there are so many tidbits that have a lot of potential... ideas that could really make something for themselves. Instead I feel like I'm in an episode of Full House (which I do love however... I feel) that tries to meet The Butterfly Effect..... Needless to say it doesn't mesh well.
The characters are highly undeveloped and as soon as you think you may be connecting with one of them they lose their humanity and feel so far from real it's difficult to read on. They aren't even slightly relatable as a whole to oneself, their emotions are rushed and fabricated.
You don't mix religion and the supernatural... at least in the way they did... as a writer if you choose to break the rules of society/the world you must manipulate situations, characters, plot, emotions so carefully... it's an art... you must make me feel it.... make it believable....
It was as if the author was in such a hurry puzzle pieces were shoved where they really didn't belong.
 I wish it would've been more, I really do... but sad enough to say I won't be approving this book or looking onto its counterparts to see what happens.

-D- 2/5

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Piracy? Or A Great Booty?!?!?! Cursed Pirate Girl By Jeremy A Bastian Vol 1

A cool, unique, graphic novel for a younger, imaginative, and adventurous generation! It reminded me of Pirates of the Carribean but with a young girl trying to find her pirate father. It's lots of action packed adventure. From being thrown to sea to sneaking onto pirate ships and sword fights, Cursed Pirate Girl is sure to grab your attention from the start.
You could spend a great amount of time taking in the minute detailing of the scenery and characters throughout in the pictures throughout this novel. He's a really talented artist. It was a quick fun read for me... it was my first graphic novel!!!!!!! I would definitely read the second vol to see what happens though. I would say it was a success!
I must say that I loved at the end of the book how there were stories/tales being told from many different people about the Cursed Pirate Girl. The art that was portrayed for each persons tale was sooo cool, I really liked it! I can't really tell you anything bad, or criticize it much because like I said it was my first graphic novel. But I'd read another one for sure. I will say again I think it's written for younger girls in their teen/tweens, but a fun read nonetheless :)

kiss approved :*** 3/5


Continuation on the Grim Reaper series! 3rd 4th & 5th book reviewed.

Third Grave Dead Ahead.... Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet..... & Fifth Grave Past The Light 
By Darynda Jones

3rd: I abso-fricken-lutely love this series. There is so much mystery, if you like SVU and murder type mysteries you've got to get your hands on these books! Continuing the drama in this and more thrilling escapes that Charley makes is so delicious! I just don't want to stop reading this. Ever! I do like with each book you don't technically need to read the one before it. Darynda brushes up what's been going on in the one before it in the beginning of each one.
4th: I think I could read this series for a loooong time. There's enough mystery and drama in Charley's life I don't get bored with it. I always want to figure out how in the the hell these people died and who killed them. I am fond of a couple of the guys Charley flirts with such as Garrett Swopes and the biker dude Donovan that frequents the asylum next to her dad's bar. If they could please be sent my way I would so greatly appreciate it. Can this please be made into a t.v show?!? Oh please oh pleeeeassse!!!!!!?!!?
5th: To say this series is awesome is an understatement. This book was just as great as the rest of them!!!! I can't wait for the next. Charley is so funny and such a beautiful character. I just love it.
But for those of you who weren't feelin' this series I tried to keep it short and simple so I can move onto the next, hopefully amazing, read! xoxox

kiss approved :***** 5/5

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Mystery? OR Should It Be History?!?!?! Second Grave on the Left by Darynda Jones

Can we just say snuck instead of sneaked??? I don't like it, 'proper' english or not. haha. But. For realsies through these two books every time I read 'sneaked' I couldn't help but cringe and in my mind say SNUCK! I'm weird. I know. But can someone agree with my thinking here???

You really can't help but love Charley throughout these books. If you like good sarcasm, a girl with spunk-vinegar- and a wholelottaspice you'll love it! She is so quirky and thinks of the greatest things to say. Things I wish my brain thought of in time and not after the fact... the "OH I SOOO SHOULD'VE SAID THAT!" (we all do it) You can't help but smirk or shake your head.

I'm happy this book has new mysteries and keeps you guessing. I will be honest I "thought" that I could guess the murderer and get in front/stay one step ahead of the book but yeah fricken right. Frustratingly enough (in a good way ;) ) with each twist and turn I was thrown off and was cliff hanging at the end!
Adventurous and as thrilling if not more-so than the first a great paranormal meets Private Investigator smorgasbord! Get ready for a ringer, it's gonna leave you wanting more in mid-air!!!!

KISS APPROVED! :**** 4/5

Thursday, July 18, 2013

A Killing? Or A Slow Torture?!?!?! First Grave On The Right by Darynda Jones

When my friend from work told me about this book series she definitely peaked my interest... the next day she hands the first three books to me. 
For all you lovers of books you'll probably understand this but it's like someone gave me a box of chocolates! <3 Instead of my mouth watering, my brain was ready to read! Now, when I read the back of the book :/ that was a different story. It honestly was kind of a turn off. But needless to say I gave it a chance and instantly fell in love with the grim reaper... aka, our lovely heroine of the story, Charley Davidson. 
This book is something I can see being made into a t.v. series. ABC family... someone... get on this!!!!!! I'd like Nina Dobev (Elena Gilbertson from vampire diaries) to be Charley Davidson... and Ian Somerhalder (Damon Salvador from vamp diaries) as Reyes. PLEASE someone back me up on this!@#*
Anywho! This book is SVU meets paranormal which I believe they did do a tv series somewhat like this... that was called the Dead Files?.. but I highly doubt it even came close to how this book made me feel. I was hooked as soon as I started reading. It's funny and witty, thrilling and mysterious, sexy and tempting. Oh I just loved it ok!?
It keeps you on your toes and keeps you guessing like any good murder mystery does. So if you like some romance, some sarcasm, some murder mystery, some paranormal... allll mixed in one check it out!
I only hope it doesn't get any more harlequinny... I've decided I'm more of a PG13 girl. And this book wasn't bad at all so don't get me wrong. But I can get the hint that he wants her, and she has sex with him, lalalala, without any lady or maley parts being mentioned...sometimes I'm a sissy haha but Don't let it frighten you off. It was mentioned like twice throughout the whole book, no biggie. 
Just going on a I want to have an innocent read rave. LOL 
Kiss aaaaprooved ;**** 4/5

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Angelic? OR Demonic?!?!? Angelfall by Susan Ee

How is it that I seem to be picking sequels... trilogies... or a series of books lately?!?!?! NOT only does this book have a second, I have to wait until NOVEMBER 19th!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!
Can you tell it was a pretty good one yet? ;)
When most of us think of the Apocalypse we don't really think about angels... But Susan Ee paints a haunting scene where angels have brought the Apocalypse to Earth, and humans are on the brink of extinction. I couldn't put this book down it was so captivating... so intense... so thrilling!
Now if you don't like Apocalyptic books or envisioning blood, guts, sci-fi creatures.. this isn't the book for you, you may want to find something a bit more peaceful. Don't be too scared, the blood and guts isn't dripping from the book but let's just say while I was reading, at around 80% of the way through last night, I was eating some delicious flavored popcorn and had to set it down. I had to physically cover my mouth, gasp, groan, and shake my head at what was going on. 
My boyfriend looked at me in concern asking if I was alright? 
"I'm fine I just can't believe this is happening?!?!?!" I frowned as I looked into his eyes for answers.... quickly spouting off a few things that were happening. And this is where his eyebrows crease in concern and disgust at what I just told him, but I dive instantly back into the book. 
I'm sad I finished it so quickly, I can't believe I have to wait until Nov! If you like Apocalyptic or sci-fi tales.... you MUST read this!!!! Some compared it to Hunger Games but I think it holds its own against the novel. It is full of emotion, adventure, destruction, friendships, family, loss, and strength. I can only hope Susan Ee makes the second so very real and exciting. Kiss aaaapproved!! :***** 5/5

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Tender? Or Too Intense?!?!? Tenderness by Dorothy Garlock

At first when my grandma handed this over to me and told me to read it, that it was a really good book, I said suuuuure. But I will admit it sat around for a couple of weeks. The cover to me (sorry grandma love you) looks like a grandma cover! It looks like something I would never ever pick up in the library or a book sale for that reason alone. Ya know how they say don't judge a book by its cover... gaaah I'm trying ok, but this one, it just looks lame to me. Boy was I wrong :( 
So anyway I finally picked it up and was shocked at how good it was... Grandma you were right. xoxo.
I really did enjoy this book. If you like mystery, adventure, thrilling-bound in a love story well you'd better pick it up. But beware this is set back in the time when the first Ford cars were just being invented. I have to be in the mood for that era but it's a really great read. I like taking trips back in time sometimes like that. When courting people meant coming to their house to talk or taking a walk and love was at times found at first sight before even getting to know them. It's just insane how different the world was back then comparably to now. 
That being said I like that Jesse, our loving heroine, is a dedicated, patient, sweet nurse. And then comes in the mountain man with a beard who is rough around the edges and we aren't sure wether he's good or bad. I have a thing for men with beards what can I say. It's sexy! 
It was a really nice read that made me feel like I was being courted by a knight in shining armor. It was full of chivalry and honor. 
I will say the only part I didn't care for was at the very end. A small 'love' scene... that I found unnecessary but it was whatever. Over all..... kiss approved!!!
;**** 4/5

p.s I know it's taken me a few to get this read and reviewed. I do apologize I've been trying to balance work and trying to be healthy by working out and being a woman of the house with cooking and cleaning and pheeeewie.. I don't know how all you women and men that do that daily make it look so easy. I get so worn out. But as I said please forgive me, I'll try to be better at getting books read and posted. As always: Read On!!! :)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A Love Story? OR A Tragic Ending?!?!?! Carrie Nyman-Why Aren't You Sweet Like Me?

Carrie writes us a love story based on her own grandparents! How neat first off. I've always thought of writing stories based on people I know and stories they've told me. Some of the most interesting things I've heard, that I can't even believe is real, have been from real people I've met or know(n). She takes us into love within the heart of World War II. 
The innocence of the characters and the simplicity way of life back then is so refreshing. Not that it was necessarily easier but I feel as though this world gets caught up into things that aren't tangible... that don't really matter in the end. It's a good book to curl up with on a winters night or on vacation. I liked that she based the novel on her family even though she may have changed pats here or there it makes it even more of a great book and story within itself. 
There are a few grammatical errors but it doesn't hinder the story. It started out for me at a slow pace. I wasn't sure if I was falling in love with the characters to the point where I couldn't put the book down. But toward the middle and for sure in the end I can feel the emotion and passion within her story and I didn't want it to end. I'm glad I kept reading. 
I think the voices of the characters are pretty awesome. We get distinct accents, which at times I had to go back and read to understand but it wasn't frustrating, it actually made me giggle because I could just about hear what these people were saying. And I love me some accents. I can listen to people with unique accents speak all day. 
It's a heartwarming story, unique. It makes you humble in how blessed we each truly are in how medicine and life has progressed. It makes us grateful for the family and friends, the love that surrounds us and is undying. 
Kiss approved :*** 3/5

Monday, June 10, 2013

Is it Hope? Or Complete Despair!?!?!? Silver Linings by Matthew Quick

I'm not sure how I want to approach a piece on this book. It's a good read, wonderfully written, loved the dialogue and flow. I can completely relate to it but I know it won't be everyone's cup of tea. If you are open or want to be open into a deeper understanding into the mind of someone who has a mental illness/struggle, if you aren't turned off as a reader by topics like depression, mental hospitals, counseling than maybe this book is just right for you. 
This story is one of an inward struggle, someone coming closer to the road of acceptance and closure. If you're looking for the typical, happy go lucky love story.... DON'T read this. 
You are sewn into Matt Quick's intricate cross-stitch of Pat People's life. You feel for Pat who sincerely believes that if he jumps through hoops to become the man he thinks his wife and God want him to be he will be reunited with her...... as we all know sometimes life likes to throw us curves and life doesn't go how we want. That's just how it is... however we are right behind Pat as he struggles with many issues on his road to recovery.  
This is a look deep into the heart of an issue that sent Pat spiraling to the brink/edge of sanity. We want to know what happened? Why is he like this? We want him to get better, to be sincerely happy! I think it gives a good insight into how some with depression or other mental struggles think and feel (BUT not everyone (you can NEVER group anyone into a certain circle... no one was made the same as any other....  there are always people who break what we think is "this" or "that" type of person group etc etc :note:I hate stereotypes))
As we see in this book, mental illness can affect every aspect of one's life and not to mention other's lives around them. It's a sobering book that I will say ends uniquely and thankfully with a smile. I can't say the book was ecstatic because although it's one that keeps you asking questions it isn't an overly happy, feel good, kind of read. I must say once again it is very, very, well written. And for those of us who have dealt with a mental illness it's a good story of what silver linings really are if you look deep enough and look outside the box. A story of someone on their way to living a happy, healthy life, where they are able to accept exactly what is, to separate fiction from reality, learning to be happy, find the silver lining, and begin moving forward. 

-D- :*** 3 1/2 out of 5 

*kiss approved*

Thursday, June 6, 2013

To Keep This? Or Pitch It?!?!?! The Things That Keep Us Here-Carla Buckley......

The prologue in this book was so intensely emotional that I felt paranoid. I was the woman who was losing my husband. I was the one whose heart was beating so rapidly out of panic. I was the one feeling the love of my life slip away. I was left feeling empty and void of happiness. How is it that such great authors have a way of manipulating our very feelings? As I sat thinking about what I read I wondered if maybe it'd be a story similar to the writing of Nicholas Sparks....
Hmph! WRONGO!!!! Carla Buckley draws you into a real life possibility. A virus turned lethal. I love watching movies that are like this however it always scares me how possible it really is. How quickly  a virus could mutate; an evil host sucking all we know and love away. It's a scary, ominous, real nightmare. 
She plays on real possibilities: power outages, food shortages, sickness, death.... This book will make you more aware of your surroundings, that is a guarantee! It makes you think, "Could I survive something like this? Would I be able to make it through or would I just be another casualty???" It's a sobering and terrifying thought to think about. 

That being said it was a great thriller. I was rooting and scared for all the characters from the very beginning. I was scared that if I stopped reading I'd miss it all in the, literal, blink of an eye. I wouldn't say that this is anywhere close to being kid friendly but it's a great mature read. Carla isn't afraid to not sugar coat things.... and honestly I can appreciate it in this book, it's real. I think that's why I felt every emotion that Ann did. How heart wrenching! The only thing I wasn't a fan of was the epilogue... I didn't need to know what happened with everyone. I skimmed through it but I'm just not that big on the whole epilogue extravaganza unless there's a book two or it's a must to the ending... sometimes it's nice to come up with your own ending or even left hanging (even though I mostly yell at the book when that happens because I waaaant to know). 
A must read if you're into thrillers and/or prepping for world disasters. 
kiss approved 
-D- :***** 5/5

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Beautiful Chaos- Beautiful Chaos? Or An Ugly Jumble!?!?! & Beautiful Redemption- An Ending Worth Finishing? Or The Beginning Of A Lecture!?!?!?!

(Well we've got a two for one tonight!!!! :) That being said onto the next, hopefully wonderful, book I go.)
Well.... deeper down the tunnels we go. It seems with each book the story gets a bit darker, sucking us a little deeper into the Caster world. Which is absolutely not a bad thing. However... if you're a parent or just someone who doesn't think Harry Potter is something you would allow your children/yourself  to read... you need to look into another book series. This book series defies the laws of "safe" imagination. Which some people aren't alright with or don't believe one should read. But that's alright. To each their own I say. This story is just a story, as dark and tantalizing as it may be, I find it amazing. I'm not running around trying witchcraft or whatever, it's just as fun of a read as Harry Potter.... I wanted you all to be aware if you prescreen what you or your children or whomever for that matter may be reading; because I do respect that side of the point of view as well..... That being said Onward :) !
The tight knit circle has only grown in this book and even though there are many characters, they have introduced them throughout... you feel as though you're part of the community, it's rather simple to keep them down and separate. It's a mystery just screaming to be solved, keeping you on your toes the whole way. I slowed down through this book because I just don't want it to end :( It is a must read! 
kiss approved -D- :**** 4/5

Well my friends... it is a sad day in the neighborhood... I had put it off for as long as I could because I didn't want to leave this town of Gatlin. I didn't want to leave Link, Ethan, Lena, Amma, Macon.. NONE of them... It just sucks lol 
I didn't want this series to end but the Caster Chronicles has come full circle. I'm not sure yet if I was a fan of the book switching between Ethan's and Lena's point of view but quite honestly I don't think there was any other way it could've been done. As slow as I tried to read and as long as I tried to draw it out, it was merely impossible. I would huff and puff and the people around me would ask, "What's wrong." I'd just pout and reply, "Oh I'm on such and such chapter... I'm that much closer to the end and I'm sad. I don't want it to end." In which most cases they looked at me with a raised eyebrow and shook their head but a few of my avid readers pouted with me in understanding haha. 
I loved that there was a moral to the end of this book but I don't think it needed to be spelled out for us the way it was.... I think it was already embedded throughout no need to dumb it down for us. It's the readers choice whether or not they want to take something from a book literally or if they just want to read for pure enjoyment and entertainment. At least that's what I think. 
That being said it kept me on my toes... I swear if it were true I'd have the strongest calf muscles right now. But I will say at the very end it was a little sappy. I did love the ending but if I'm being real... it's a bit sappy. 
I can't believe it's done!!!!!! It was a brilliant series. I'm so glad I read them! They were all so farrrrr from disappointing and close to epic. All of the books were just as intense as the first and exceeded my expectations...Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl have done it again!
this series is KISS APPROVED 
:***** 5/5

Monday, May 20, 2013

Beautiful Darkness? Or An Unappealing Light?!?!? Beautiful Darkness-

Beautiful Darkness... the second book to Beautiful Creatures. By Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl..........
I had previously stated. QUOTE-UNQUOTE "The only thing I'm worried about is that the story may lose its essence of magic. How long can they draw out Ethan and Lena's story? I don't want it to fall into just a love story between the two seeing as how all the mystery and thrills and chills were in the first."   ehem* clearing my throat.... I take it back.... 
Even though Ethan and Lena's story continues. It is so much more than just their love story. It's all of the characters. I'm swept up into their world and quite honestly... I don't want to leave. I'm not sure if any of you out there are like this but I have fallen in love with the characters from a story... And as fast as I'm reading this series I will soon be done. It's almost like losing a friend, or in this case friends. How could you come to care about all of these menacing dark personas and yet in them you find light... as it says in the book. "In darkness there is light. In light there is darkness." 
But let's get down to it now that we can all see how completely mesmerized and infatuated I've become over these books: It's even MORE thrilling and enticing that the first with all of its twists and turns. We are drawn deeper into the tunnels that lay beneath what we thought Gatlin was.... We follow Ethan on a hard and trying journey against time and darkness to save the one he loves. 
I'm scared to read the third but so far they have shot over and beyond my expectations. And although I'm not to sure about how I feel about what happened to Link and Ridley... The ending left me on the edge of my seat.. popcorn still en route to my mouth... and as I turned the last page and saw that there was no more to read of this book..... My popcorn went flying. I jumped up in anger thinking 'I cannot believe this...'. And yet my heart was screaming with joy There's More!!! There's More!!!!!! ;) interested???? Read On!
kiss approved :****  4/5

Saturday, May 18, 2013

A Beautiful Mess? Or Evil Thoughts?!?!?!

Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl. Sit back and relax... but be ready to hold on to your seats!!!! As I was reading this in the beginning it felt a little jet laggedy... Like a slow start to a movie, however by a few chapters in the wind was whipping through my hair, I didn't want to sleep, or eat (let me say I love food.. so that's big ;) ).  You're flying in the action up into the night reading. And when your body can't take the lack of sleep anymore your brain doesn't want to rest because it's going crazy wondering what's going to happen, it's left begging for more. 
Now if you're not one for paranormal, mystery, romance, death, ghosts, magic etc... I would probably dissuade you from reading this and say to check out some other book. HOWEVER, that being said if you are it's a must read! 
Halfway through I was dying to read the next one. I wanted to figure out what was going to happen. It's one of those stories you get lost into that you want to reach in and become part of these women's words, the world that they creates. You want to meet each of their characters because you love them just as much as you were meant to. 
I was introduced to this book through a coincidental conversation. I was talking to a friend about this new movie that was coming out in theaters and how I desperately wanted to see it. Said friend informed me that this movie (Beautiful Creatures) was based off of a book. Now anyone that knows me knows that I must read the book before seeing the movie! But it's almost a catch 22..... Now I'm scared to watch the movie because I'm not sure the characters in my head will be anything close to the actors/actresses. haha. 
Buuuut now that I have finished the book I am in a flurry of oh my gosh's and what's going to happen next's. I don't know if I'm surprised at the ending it only made sense to give a hint as to what was going to happen with Lena..... but they just reiterated the question I was dying to know and that there was more drama to come. The only thing I'm worried about is that the story may lose its essence of magic. How long can they draw out Ethan and Lena's story? I don't want it to fall into just a love story between the two seeing as how all the mystery and thrills and chills were in the first. They have their bar set high so I guess I will just have to read on and see!!!! 
kiss approved :**** 4/5

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Bound- A Thrill? OR A CHILL!?!?!?

This book by Kira Saito has such great potential but I'm so disappointed to say it was as if juvenilely written and published. It's a huge turn off... there are typos everywhere, which no book is perfect and for me I understood what the writer was getting at, however not everyone is going to feel that way. All of the little things add up and it starts to lose you as a reader, the story isn't smooth. It's like having small chunks of unmixed flour in your cookie dough.
Even in the beginning I felt as though the characters weren't fully believable and or they were underdeveloped. We look at Arelia a young girl who just found out she had a long unknown great aunt and yet it takes her about five minutes to be ok with her grandma who didn't tell her and then later on she isn't. She flips flops with her emotions throughout the entire story. As a reader you become confused. You should  always be in tune to your character as a writer... you should know the difference between what they would and wouldn't do or how they would and wouldn't feel.
Another pet peeve is the brand names being dropped like flies here and there and everywhere! It's like over sprinkling a cookie... you want them scattered about not in globs... For instance instead of saying that Arelia's best friend Sabrina uses a. b. and c. as a young girl to explain she's high maintenance... there are different ways of explaining like saying she can't get a spot of dirt on her clothes without changing or doesn't leave the house without her makeup and two pairs of different high heels. I'm personally not a fan of name drops, it doesn't impress me or make me feel any closer with the characters. I want to be able to relate them to my own life.
As a writer you would think you would follow the culture and ways of speaking depending on where your story takes place. I'm not sure while I read this if I was truly in New Orleans with Grandmere Bea a voodoo queen or if I am in just any other state with a regular grandmother. It needs cultural voice and taste, something unique, that takes you to the heart of New Orleans and their cultural ways....
As much as I wanted to read the second one to see if it gets any better I will not be doing so. All I can say is I'm disappointed it wasn't a better read. (Don't ever judge a book by its cover that's for sure)
-D- :* 1/5

Sunday, May 5, 2013

A Comedy? Or a Bad Punchline!?!?! (Tina Fey's Bossypants)

Tina Fey. You've seen her on SNL... 30 Rock.... or maybe you have no idea who she is. But regardless she has a knack to make people laugh. And at the heart of this female feminist comedian is a mother, a daughter, and a woman with her own thoughts and feelings. Her book shows just this... her behind the scenes, backstage, story of how she came to be the Tina Fey we know and her random funny and other deep down serious stories along the way.
My good friend suggested we read a book together and I was all for it! I knew of Tina Fey but don't watch that much SNL or had any idea she had written "Mean Girls" (which by the way I looove). So when she gave me the title I quickly downloaded it, I'm always down to laugh. Little did I know until getting into the book that it wasn't as light-hearted as I assumed it would be... but you know what they say about assuming: "it makes an a** out of u and me".
That being said whether you love her or hate her, and whether you agree on any of her personal beliefs, one thing is true... she is full of vinegar and cake vodka ;)
There were quite a few parts in this book for me that was older than my young-ness knew... whether she talked about things that happened when I was a wee little thing or people that were more her generation than my own it was difficult for me to find a connection. There was more than once that names were dropped and I had no clue who she was mentioning... easy enough if you have google or friends and family older than you but neither of which I had the gusto to do at the time haha. That being said I wouldn't recommend it for the younger generation unless you're into years before your time or if you're looking for a light, quick, read- because that it is not.
However if you Love Tina Fey, SNL , or a mother/woman looking for a laugh and a woman to connect with that has a hell of a story than get down to it! She's a kick and a roll in the hay in some parts but there are other parts that are more of her story that she tells in a down and dirty raw essence.
kiss approved :*** 3/5

Thursday, April 25, 2013

What's coming up..... ;)

                              For hints on what I'm reading next...
                    and the day to day life of me...
                       Follow me on twitter! @toreaditornot

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Worth Remembering? Or To Forget?!?!?!? (Water For Elephants)

Sara Gruen spins a sensuous, gripping, pulse of life, story behind the Big Tent in the 1930's. Through an old man's reminiscing heart and mind, her story plays out like a piece of orchestra music. So many sounds coming together to form a beautiful trifling piece. From the nursing home to the younger years where Jacob was working for the circus you're taken for a magical ride. 
You're caught up in the whirlwind itself reaching out your arms to hug your feelings tighter hoping they won't up and fly away. If you want to read a story of compelling love, hopeless lust, and in the end getting exactly what you deserve I undoubtedly recommend it! Sara has a way of pulling at your heart strings like a mere puppet. 
Jacob looks back into his life where prohibition reigned and a dollar was worth it's weight in gold. The characters in this book are absolutely ones you will miss when you're done and you don't want to leave your imagination. It simply sucks you in like a torrential whirlwind of emotion.
I will say it's not exactly appropriate for the younger crowd. There is adult language and adult situations. I myself could barely stand the animal abuse that takes place but it made the story that much more vivid, touching, and storming with bubbling emotion. I hate August with a passion and love Marlena and Rosie dearly as if they were my best friends. But all in all the characters throughout the entirety of the book were put together very well and stayed true, I feel, to what Sara created them to be from the very beginning. 
And in the back of my book there's an extra, an interview with Sara. Although I skimmed through it (I wasn't too big on reading it at the moment) one question caught my eye where she explained why she likes writing characters that are flawed.... 
I think it's what brings them to life and really draws you in... aren't we all looking for people we can level with, that in some sense or another there is a small glitter of an event(s) within your lives that connect you. Stories are just that, they connect you with characters, fictional or real. Now I just want to go back and live in my imagination for awhile longer with Rosie, Marlena, and Jacob! I hope you guys will give it a go. 
xoxo kiss approved! :**** 4/5

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Worth A Snogging? OR A FLOGGING?!?!? (Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging)

Louise Rennison takes you back to the awkward age of 14, in the life of cute quirky and funny Georgia Nicholson, where you second guess everything you do... overanalyze.... feel like a pimple must be the end of the world! You makeout with the back of your hand to feel what it must be like to kiss. You realize that looks are everything and you must have a uni-brow and the hugest nose ever. Your parents are weird, they definitely shouldn't kiss, and they sure as heck don't know how you feel. 
I will say being that Georgia is born and raised in England she does speak some English slang/ or maybe they're just words this American girl is like "huh? what does that mean?" but fear not!, it only adds to the raw hilarious feeling you get in your gut while you connect with Georgia and her thoughts. And if you're really unsure, there's a dictionary in the back!! 
I read some of the series back in high-school and loved them. Picking this book back up now, I was curious and a bit skeptical as to how I'd feel comparatively. But I'll tell you right now.... although I may connect with it differently than I did back then it still makes me laugh and is such a fun read. And if I had a daughter I would absolutely set up a book club for all mothers and daughters and have this on the list. Growing up is tough but if you can find some humor and laugh about the ups and downs do it! A must read for all ages! Kiss approved! :*** 3/5

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Up next..... heres a hint

Me and my curly hair say look closely for the next hint.... angus..... ...... and lipstick all have to do with the next book!!!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Looking Glass Wars- A Wonderland? Or A Nightmare?!?!?

Beddor draws you into Wonderland  during an unsettling time where kingdoms are on the brink of war, power is what matters most, and those that have it must fight to keep it.
Alyss just a young princess, a mere child, is oblivious to the ominous clouds of trouble brewing on the horizon as she lets her imagination run wild. Little does she know she'll need all of it to save her kingdom.
Beddor paints the story with his words as smooth, and his imagination as 'Wonderlandish', as Salvador Dali. His writing and imagination is close to brilliance as he gives a twist to the classic Alice in Wonderland as we ride on the backs of spirit danes across Outerwilderbestia.... search for answers from the Caterpillar Oracles and follow Alyss Heart on her journey to defeat her Aunt Redd.
As always read it for yourself!
-D- :*** 3/5

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Tarty tarts and war?

Here's a hint at what I'm reading... just one small hint. More hints to come on my twitter account!!!! @toreaditornot

Saturday, March 30, 2013


next up on the review list.... may be: A.N Roquelaure's (Anne Rice) The Sleeping Beauty Trilogy, Gravity by Melissa West, Obsidian by Jennifer L Armentrout, Dollhouse by Anya Allyn....
Wait and see!

50 Shades- A MUST? Or A BUST!?!?

Well I've heard all sorts of "I loved its!" and "It's GREAT!!!" so what more could I do but to read the trilogy of 50 Shades Of Grey for myself.
So I delved into the first book..... Christian Grey is powerful, sexy, secretive. What girl doesn't want a little mystery to her man?! And then there's Ana- naive and innocent. Sounds good thus far... Now supposedly this series was developed from a Twilight fan fiction series (if you're a fan of Twilight your interest may have peaked but hold that thought). It shows no other connections other than the girls both being innocent and naive and the men of the stories both powerful, a bit controlling, and mysterious. 
The first book made me blush, kept me on my toes for the most part, and there were parts I smiled in a I'm in lala-land sense. If you want a book dripping in sex and some story here and there.... like a good ol'/bad fashioned 80's porn movie, well it may be for you.
I must admit I did secretly enjoy the first book but it practically stops there. I did read through the second book but by the third I had lost all interest. There was nothing in the second or third that kept my attention. If you're looking for just sex, ok, fine it definitely has that. But it lost its luster and by the third book I sadly ended up being able to skim it and get the gist of how it all ended there wasn't any grasping story line that pulled the reader in. The way the sex time was written was impeccable, hello I'm awake...  however the story itself was mundane. 
Maybe I'm not a sexy time book kind of gal but I gave it my best shot!
As always read it for yourself!  
-D-   :* 1/5